Building Something

Let’s start with building something physically (and not a computer this time)

It has taken me a much longer time than I planned to do some renovation to the office. A lot more work is required to put up crown molding than I initially thought, however that was made a little bit easier with a bundle of tools I purchased a while ago. I finally was able to put to use my brad nailer and miter saw to both cut and secure the crown molding.

Lemme tell ya, trying to figure out the angles correctly when the correct method is cutting them upside down is a real PITA and a bit humbling.

There’s only one wall to go and while space in the office is at a premium, I think I’ve made it easier on myself with the order of operations I’ve established. In keeping with the ‘always learn’ goal I have for myself, I’ve noticed that writing down the exact steps for every bit has really helped me move along everything on the to-do list. I figure all this will help us eventually if we’re able to get a house in regards to the steps, tools and practices I’ve utilized so far.

Virtual Highway

This was going to be longer but I’m tired for the aforementioned physical work… Fortunately for current me, past me made use of version control! I’ve been in the process of migrating from one powerful hypervisor host to smaller, more efficient machines that should save some money with regards to the power used (and should let me isolate where a pesky noisy fan is…)

So. Containers are great! Version control is great! Efficiency is great! and learning is great! To be wonderful, I probably need to set up some CI/CD for maximum laziness, I mean efficiency.


You know what grinds my gears? A new version of this CMS has been out for months and Lightsail isn’t offering the new version. It’s been months, months I say and still no progress. Sure, I could try to upgrade it myself locally on the box but going off of past experiences that’d be a good way to brick my blog. No me gusta.

Happy NYE and all that jazz.

Also, it sucks ass that the spelling check only works for about the first 100 words here before shitting the bed.